
Our group is currently seeking motivated interns, graduate students, and postdocs.

Postdocs with strong experience in ultrafast optics and spectroscopy are encouraged to apply. Please send an email to Dr. Baykusheva with your CV and the names of 2-3 potential references (letters need not be provided at this time). Postdoctoral candidates are highly encouraged to apply for one of the fellowship opportunities offered by ISTA: or externally.

PhD students need to apply to the ISTA Graduate School first. Graduate students are admitted once a year after a general application process and affiliate with a particular group officially only by the end of their first year. If you are interested in a PhD thesis or rotation in our group, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Baykusheva for possible projects.

ISTA offers internship opportunities through the “ISTernship” program. We offer experimental as well as theoretical projects (1-2 per year). Interested students are encouraged to apply through the official website.

Undergraduate students in physics, physical chemistry, or material science from other universities who are interested in completing a bachelor/master thesis project in our group are encouraged to contact Dr. Baykusheva directly. Please make sure to comply with the requirements of the home institution first.